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Health Administration Degree Programs

Welcome to the many possibilities offered by Health Administration degrees and programs. These professional paths and career options cover a wide range of specialties. Graduates of healthcare administration degree programs can be found working in a variety of settings including public health, business, HIT, and healthcare facility management. To help guide you on your educational journey, you can request information from individual schools using our search tool above or simply click on your state below to learn more.

The Right Program for You

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job growth rate in medical and health services management is expected to be 32% over the ten-year period from 2019 to 2029, far faster than the national average.

(May 2019, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics job growth estimates are based on national data. Conditions in your area may vary.)

One factor leading to a demand for these positions can be attributed to the increase in average lifespan, which requires more attention to health and the need for more professionals in the industry.

If the idea of working in a management position combined with medicine or healthcare sounds like a good fit this could be the right choice for you.

You have multiple options when it comes to choosing a program that fits your life and current schedule. Many degree paths offer online programs for remote students. More and more students are choosing the best of both worlds by attending online classes offered by a university located within 50 miles of home.

The map below allows easy viewing of the programs within each state for the programs of most interest to you.

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Health Administration Schools

Expert Advice from Leaders in Healthcare Management

Below, interviews Todd Linden, President and CEO of Grinnell Regional Medical Center (about rural healthcare management); Paul Levy, former CEO of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical CenterDr. Robert Wachter, Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco (author of “Understanding Patient Safety” and the blog “Wachter’s World”); and Shahid Shah, the Healthcare IT Guy (who tells us about technology in the healthcare field).

Quick Breakdown of Important Statistical Information

(May 2019, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics salary estimates and job growth projections for medical and health services managers are based on national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed November 2020.)

Job Growth
2019 Average
2019 Average
Pay Rate
Healthcare Admins
in the US in 2019